Indonesia Student & Youth Forum (ISYF) stands on the basis of awareness and concern for Indonesian youth and actively involved in Indonesia youth development in Indonesia through increasing awareness, development and empowerment.
The institution was born from the long historical journey and engraved monumental, because is inspired by several youth programs in Indonesia such as the International Youth Forum 2008, International Youth Camp 2009, ASEAN University Student Forum 2009, the Asia Africa Youth Forum 2010, as well as the Indonesia Student Forum from 2009-present (annually) and the Indonesian Youth forums since 2012-present (annually).
Such activities have been successfully empowered and developed Indonesia youth to be able to actively participate in various events, nationally and globally. The programs have been successful increasing awareness, empower and develop young Indonesian professionally with in-depth knowledge, skills and integrity, so the competitive ability in the national and global level.

Data base of youth spread projection in Indonesia. Source; Central Statistics Agency Indonesia
The future of a nation lies on his youth. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2015 estimated number of Indonesia youth has reached 62.4 million which shows the proportion of our youth is up to 25% of Indonesia total population. This brings significance roles of strategies in youth development. These unique distributions of youth should be considered in formulating youth-related-policy in each region.
Indonesia population of productive age (15-64 years) will reach 70% of total population in the span these years. Besides our unique population distribution, Indonesia is projected to be demographic dividend by BPS in the range of 2010-2030 which is described as ‘window of opportunity’ in demographic term.
On the other words, Indonesia is projected to have approximately 180 million productive populations in the near future. This number is far greater than the projected number of unproductive populations (approximately 60 million).
[info_list font_size_icon=”24″][info_list_item list_title=”Vision” list_icon=”Defaults-th-large” animation=”bounceInUp”]Increasing awareness, empowerment and development of Indonesian youth.[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Mission” list_icon=”Defaults-th-large” animation=”bounceInDown”]- Achieving Indonesian Youth who have high integrity to their nation
- Achieving Indonesian Youth who are ready and prepared to be future leaders of Indonesia.
- Achieving youth who possessed professionalism with knowledge and skills in various fields, so that they can participate and compete nationally and globally.
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Strategy” list_icon=”Defaults-th-large” animation=”bounceInUp”]
- ISYF conceptual strategy grounded in local and global issues of education, health, environment, culture, entrepreneurship and nationality insigth.
- ISYF movement strategy ISYF grounded in the principle of partnership with government, private sector, and civil society.
- ISYF program strategy grounded in strengthening the capacity of youth resources, youth networks and youth independence
[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Guiding Principles” list_icon=”Defaults-th-large” animation=”bounceInDown”]
- Leadership
- Intregrity
- Respect
- Diversity
- Partnership
- Excellence
- Professional
- Creative
- Voluntary
Indonesia Youth Forum
This program is a forum that brings selected youth aged 17-22 who run social change projects in their community. The program’s objectives are to guide the implementation and increase youth capabilities in accordance with the requirements of their plan for the projects. This program is packed with creative, inspiring and innovative activities through coaching clinic, workshops, working groups, master classes, field trips, field study and Meet the Policy Makers.
The outcome of this activity is increased youth knowledge and skills to implement their social project with increase of beneficiaries as success indicator; formation of youth social networks and emergence of youth profession switching from social makers to social entrepreneurs for the sake of project sustainability. The program has been organized since 2012 (annual), has 600 graduates, and 43 government, companies, NGOs and media partners.
Forum Pelajar Indonesia
FOR Indonesia is a forum that unites SMA-SMK-MA students all over Indonesia selected from a series of written test and interview. The purpose of this program os to broaden students’ knowledge and insights in various fields that will strengthen their interest and potential. The program is run with creative, inspiring and innovative activities such as Meet the CEO, Meet The Leader, Corporate Visit, Visit media, Cultural Performance, series of workshops, social action, state visits and others.
By joining this forum, students can express their aspirations directly to the policy makers of the government and business sector; we also facilitates the emergence of an agreement to conduct joint social movements; increased knowledge and skills among students and establishment of network among Indonesian students. The program has been organized since 2009 (annual), already has 1300 alumni, and 68 partner of governments, companies, NGOs and media.
ASEAN Youth Center
ASEAN Youth Center was launched in June 2014, aims to provide open space and information center for youth in creative work; inform all of ASEAN related insights and amplifying issues of youth globally. Currently, 16,000 youth have been utilizing AYC as a vehicle to develop their potentials. AYC have benn established in Garut, Kampung Panawuan,Torogong and in Plaza Blok M, Jakarta.
Indonesia Student & Youth Forum (ISYF) established since 2011, based on Ministry of Laws and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia Decree Number: AHU-802-AH.01.04